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dimarts, 13 de gener del 2015


 One Point Perspective Room

The Vanishing Point is the place where receding lines converge. Think of a road disappearing in the distance. The sides of the road seem to meet at the Vanishing Point.
We ahve been working with perspective and room dessign, creating some amazing views of our favourite rooms...what do you think??


Zen Doodling and Meditation

The Zentangle Method's non-verbal language of patterns and proportions can open doors to insights which seemed locked before. Creating in a Zentangle way opens those doors, not because they were locked, but because those doors swing on non-verbal hinges. When you create in a Zentangle way you can enter a state of relaxed focus in which intuitive insights flow freely. Get inspirations, ideas and answers unhindered by expectations or worries.

 Unknown Outcomes

Unlike much art, or most activities, you start out intentionally not knowing what your Zentangle creation will look like. The Zentangle Method allows you to discover new possibilities that you might not have anticipated when you began. We can most always tell when we've preplanned a specific outcome when using our Zentangle Method. It almost always looks forced and stiff.

No Predetermined Solution

With no predetermined correct answer, the Zentangle method offers both a freedom and a challenge. Unlike crossword, jigsaw, or Sudoku puzzles, there is no one predetermined solution. You cannot fail to create Zentangle art. At first this freedom might be a bit unnerving, as many of us have been trained to look for the one perfect solution. Soon however, this becomes a freeing and uplifting experience as you realize you can create never-ending, ever-changing "solutions" in your Zentangle creations.



At the end of the trimestre we have been working on a new thing: a tribal tattoo inspired by the perception law of ground and figure and the law of closure.
The first one explains that our brain tends to define objects and planes 
separating them from the ground, so creating a figure.
And the other law tells us that we love to close spots and shapes, uniting them in a familiar way...finishing drawings.
And that two laws work toguether when we create tribal tattoo, a black spots over a white background...spots that our brain joins in a identifying shape.

We dessigned tattoos of compound animals, like those from mithology....what do you thing??
Would you dare to tattoo one of our works on your body?