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dilluns, 26 de maig del 2014


Superheroes and superheroines creation.

A superhero (sometimes rendered super-hero or super hero) is a type of hero or saviour possessing extraordinary talents, supernatural phenomena, or superhuman powers and dedicated to protecting the public. A female superhero is sometimes called a superheroine (also rendered super-heroine or super heroine).
By most definitions, characters do not strictly require actual supernatural or superhuman powers or phenomena to be deemed superheroes, although terms such as costumed crime fighters or masked vigilantes are sometimes used to refer to those such as Batman and Green Arrow without such powers who share other superhero traits. Such characters were generally referred to as "mystery men" in the Golden Age of Comic Books to distinguish them from characters with super-powers.

Some superheroes use their powers to counter day-to-day crime while also combating threats against humanity by supervillains, their criminal counterparts. Often, one of these supervillains will be the superhero's archenemy. As well, some long-running superheroes, such as Superman, Batman, Spider-Man and Iron Man, have a rogues gallery of enemies. As well, superheroes sometimes will combat such threats as aliens, magical entities, American war enemies such as Nazism or Communism, and godlike or demonic creatures.

While the word "superhero" itself dates to at least 1917, the term "Super Heroes" is a typography-independent 'descriptive' USA trademark which is co-owned by DC Comics and Marvel Comics.

We have created our own superhero...do you think they would save the world???

dimarts, 6 de maig del 2014


Amb els alumnes de 2n de Batxillerat d'Arts, dins l'assignatura de Dibuix Artístic II, hem realitzat unes sessions de dibuix de model nu.

El dibuix de nu, és un gènere artístic que consisteix en representar amb diferents tècniques artístiques (grafits, aquarel·la, pastels, carbonets, cretes, llapis Conté,...) el cos humà nu. El dibuix de nu és considerat artísticament com una matèria acadèmica o curricular, on les proporcions, l’encaix, les dimensions... sempre són un repte. Els cànons de dibuix que s’acostumen a fer servir vénen influenciats per estàndards erronis sobre la proporció i és quan un es troba davant del model on es pren consciència dels errors que s’efectuen quan es dibuixa l’ésser humà. Les sessions de dibuix de nu cerquen educar la mirada, per tal d’aprendre a observar. 

Aquí en podeu veure una selecció dels apunts de dibuix de 3, 5, 10 i 30 minuts.